__________の ことばは どう よみますか。
1・2・3・4から いちばん いい ものを ひとつ えらんで ください。

Choose the best answer for each sentence.

Q1. ()めて手紙(てがみ)(おく)る。

Answer: 2. (こころ) (heart)


I send a letter with all my heart.

Answer: 2. (こころ) (heart)


I send a letter with all my heart.

Q2. (した)()けてください。

Answer: 3. (あたま) (head)


Turn your head down.

Answer: 3. (あたま) (head)


Turn your head down.

Q3. (あら)う。

Answer: 3. (かお) (face)


I wash my face.

Answer: 3. (かお) (face)


I wash my face.

Q4. ()()く。

Answer: 2. (くび) (neck)


I put my hand around my neck.

Answer: 2. (くび)(neck)


I put my hand around my neck.

Q5. (えん)内側(はい)ってください。

Answer: 1. 内側(うちがわ) (inside)


Go inside the circle.

Answer: 1. 内側(うちがわ) (inside)


Go inside the circle.

Q6. (となり)部屋(へや)から<()こえる。

Answer: 3. (こえ) (voice)


I hear a voice from the next room.

Answer: 3. (こえ) (voice)


I hear a voice from the next room.

Q7. 病気学校(がっこう)(やす)む。

Answer: 4. 病気(びょうき) (illness)


I absent from school due to illness.

Answer: 4. 病気(びょうき) (illness)


I absent from school due to illness.

Q8. 科学について(まな)ぶ。

Answer: 4. 科学(かがく) (science)


I learn science.

Answer: 4. 科学(かがく) (science)


I learn science.

Q9. ()む。

Answer: 3. (くすり) (medicine)


I take medicine.

Answer: 3. (くすり) (medicine)


I take medicine.

Q10. 夕日(なが)める。

Answer: 2. 夕日(ゆうひ) (sunset)


I watch the sunset.

Answer: 2. 夕日(ゆうひ) (sunset)


I watch the sunset.

[JLPT N4] Reading

[JLPT N4] Kanji Quiz Reading 9