__________の ことばは どう よみますか。
1・2・3・4から いちばん いい ものを ひとつ えらんで ください。

Choose the best answer for each sentence.

Q1. (いえ)()ます。

Answer: 2. (いま) (now)


I am leaving home now.

Answer: 2. (いま) (now)


I am leaving home now.

Q2. 友達(ともだち)会う

Answer: 3. ()う (meet)


I meet my friend.

Answer: 3. ()う (meet)


I meet my friend.

Q3. 会社()く。

Answer: 1. 会社(かいしゃ) (company)


I am going to work.

Answer: 1. 会社(かいしゃ) (company)


I am going to work.

Q4. お店(はい)る。

Answer: 2. お(みせ) (shop)


I am going into a store.

Answer: 2. お(みせ) (shop)


I am going into a store.

Q5. ()()わせをする。

Answer: 3. (えき) (staiton)


I am meeting someone at the station.

Answer: 3. (えき) (staiton)


I am meeting someone at the station.

Q6. ()いている。

Answer: 1. (はな) (flower)


Flowers are blooming.

Answer: 1. (はな) (flower)


Flowers are blooming.

Q7. によって文化(ぶんか)(ちが)う。

Answer: 4. (くに) (country)


I learn about the culture of the country.

Answer: 4. (くに) (country)


I learn about the culture of the country.

Q8. 白い(ふく)()る。

Answer: 2. (しろ) (white)


I am wearing white clothes.

Answer: 2. (しろ) (white)


I am wearing white clothes.

Q9. ()()()まる。

Answer: 3. (そら) (sky)


The sky is dyed bright red.

Answer: 3. (そら) (sky)


The sky is dyed bright red.

Q10. この機械(きかい)電気(うご)く。

Answer: 1. 電気(でんき) (electricity)


This machine works by electricity.

Answer: 1. 電気(でんき) (electricity)


This machine works by electricity.

[JLPT N4] Reading

[JLPT N5] Kanji Quiz Reading 10